It has been rumored by that Dreamworks has picked up the rights for a Halo Movie. This was actually attempted some time ago, but after a 12 million dollar investment went nowhere. In the latest Inside Gaming The Dead Pixel confirmed that the movie will be based off of the books such as the Fall of Reach and not the famous gaming franchise. He also shakily confirmed that Steven Spielburg will be involved with the project. It will show the origins of John-117 (Master Chief) and the Spartan-IIs.
I like the idea of this, but I'm afraid that the movie will not attracts anyone else except fans that are already into the Halo series. I personally picked up Fall of Reach once when I was waiting for my sister to get out of a guitar lesson and actually found it to have a good plot and be well written. This was actually my first interaction with the Halo franchise and have been a fan ever since. I wonder how good the screen adaptation will be though. I have a fear that the movie will end up like Transformers (without Megan Fox) a movie that will be watched more for the special effects and not the plot line. We certainly have the capability to produce eye-dazzling special effects, but I'm afraid that the in the glamor that the intricate plot will be lost. I'm crossing my fingers for this to be a success.
i think its about time that a movie is made, there are books, there are obviously games so why not make some money off of the all famous Halo franchise?