Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Digital Life Sacrifice- ez

Some of the biggest celebrities have decided to make the ultimate sacrifice…!!! They have decided to quit Tweeter and Facebook until they have raised 1 million dollars for the Keep a Child Alive program. Keep a Child Alive is a program, which provides treatment for aids to boys in India, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda and South Africa. Lady Gaga, Justin Timberlake, Usher, Alicia Keys and Kim Kardashian are among the celebrities participating in the event. Using social networks and celebrities as ad campaigns is new. In the past celebrities were used to gain support on many charities.  But this time the celebrities decided to take the matter into their own hands. In the past, programs uses celebrities as a way to advertise. Now, celebrities are using programs to advertise themselves. If it works it's a win-win situation. Celebrities will get more fame, and the kids that have AIDS can get treatment. Recently, they have started an add campaign to gain donations for Keep a Child Alive called "buy a life". This kind of donation gathering could have very good or very poor results. It all depends on the celebrity. The key to this is which celebrity will draw in the most attention and money. If it was Justin Beiber... it is doubtful any money will be gathered. But on the other hand, Lady Gaga with 24 million fans on Facebook or Usher with 9 million are very good at drawing attention. It is highly likely that Lady Gaga alone might pull out the 1 million dollars. Results are yet to be seen.      

For more info go to:

Customization on Black Ops-M&M

The ability to customize objects in the call of duty game is open to many creative ideas. When I first got on and started to play I discovered that you could design your emblems instead of picking from a list. You purchase layers and symbols with in game earned money. You then place the layers and symbols the way you would want to. You can create batman logos, homer simpson, and elmo just at the clicks of a few buttons. After you finish that you can put the emblem you created onto your gun.

With the guns you can purchase attachments with the money you earn in the game and you purchase camos for you guns. I really liked this feature because in modern warfare 2 you had to earn head shots to unlock camos. I wasn't the best at getting those so I would usually get the camos at a really slow pace. In this game you have more of a variety to choose from and they appear more like their environments. The ups and downs to the money is that you don't have to wait to get something that you want for your guns, instead you can just purchase them. The down side is that you have complete many things to get enough money to purchase those items. When you do get enough money to buy the gun or attachment you want, you always seem to want something new that you just don't have enough money for.

The sights that you buy for the guns are pretty cool. Instead just having a single red dot you can choose from a large selection of different designs to use and different colors. You can either personalize your sight for it to be the way you want it to look or you can have it the way you think it is more affective to be used.

Designing your class

Equipment in Black Ops

Customized sight
Customized Emblem

Emblem making

Website for detailed info

Monday, November 29, 2010

Inside Gaming Gamer's Choice Awards-AGX

As you may know the most informative gaming news program on the web is Inside Gaming, located on the Machinima channel. For those of you who don't go look it up right now. Last year Inside gaming held the Inside Gaming Awards and it was a great way for the community to vote on their favorite catagories. This year the awesome crew at Inside Gaming has opened the voting up again to gamers and hope to get more votes than last year. Now if you want information on how to vote click Here

There are ten categories in this year's competition. I will list the categories and the nominees. The links will take you to where you can vote.

Best Downloadable Game
1. Limbo
2. Monday Night Combat
3.Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light
4. Dead Rising: Case Zero
5. Pinball FX 2

Most Compelling Character
1. Jack-Mass Effect 2
2. John Marson-Red Dead Redemption
3. Ethan-Heavy Rain
4. Alan Wake-Alan Wake
5. Jim Raynor-Starcraft 2
(Sorry if I spelled any of these names wrong)

Best Narrative
1. Alan Wake
2. Heavy Rain
3. Enslaved: Odyssey to the West
4. Red Dead Redemption
5. Call of Duty: Black Ops

Most Original Game
1. Kirby's Epic Yarn
2. Minecraft
3. Limbo
4. Heavy Rain
5. Space Invaders: Infinity Gene

Best Weapon
1. Lasso-Red Dead Redemption
2. Grappling Hook-Just Cause 2
3. Drill Arm-Bioshock 2
4. Chainsaw Bike- Dead Rising 2
5. Bayonetta's Guns- Bayonetta

Best Art Direction
1. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
2. Enslaved: Odyssey to the West
3. Kirby's Epic Yarn
4. Limbo
5. God of War 3

Best Controls
1. Call of Duty: Black Ops
2. Halo: Reach
3. Super Meat Boy
4. God of War 3

Best Sound Design
1. Red Dead Redemption
2. Medal of Honor
3. Alan Wake
4. Bioshock 2
5. Limbo

Best Trailer
1. Deliver Hope-Halo Reach
2. Deathwing Trailer-World of Warcraft Cataclysm
3. E3 Trailer-Homefront
4. GDC Trailer-Deus Ex 3
5. E3 Trailer-The Old Republic

Best Multiplayer
1. Call of Duty: Black Ops
2. Halo: Reach
3. Assasin's Creed Brotherhood
4. Blur
5. Starcraft 2

(Unfortunately I can't find the website that shows where to vote for Game of the Year. When I find out I will update this post with a link.)

Go forth and vote for your favorite games!

Machinima Quote of the Week-AGX

Hang on guys this is a long one.

"whats an E.M.P.?"
"it's an electromagnetic pulse that will shut down all systems in this facility, there fore wiping..."
"Oooh you mean an emp."
"Ya that was what I was about to say, sounds like he's talking about an emp."
"That's not how you say it."
"That's how most people say it."
"That's how I say it."
"No, it's E.M.P. it stands for electromagnetic pulse."
"Ya, which spells emp, derr."
"No it's E.M.P. not emp"
"Maybe we should take a vote."
"No, your just wrong. It's E.M.P."
"Not very democratic."
"Being wrong isn't a democracy, you just wrong!"

Kung Fu Panda 2 RR

There's going to be a new movie coming out next year 2011 and its going to be Kung Fu Panda 2, i would probably by chance see this movie. This movie is a sequel for Kung Fu Panda 1 that was made in 2008, i have seeing the 1st Kung Fu Panda movie which was kind of funny or interesting. The second part would be like about in a summary that dragon warrior join forces with new Kung Fu masters to fight a old enemy with a new deadly weapon, this is like another adventure in Kunfu Panda. The Director for the new Kunfu Panda 2 would be Jennifer Yuh, and writers would be Jonathan Aibel, Glenn Berger, and the stars that would be part of the movie is going to be Jack Black, Anjelina  Jolie, and Jackie Chan. This movie is going to be popular next year in theaters and some people might be entertain by this movie, if you like Kunfu Panda movies and comedy then you should see the movie next year in theaters 2011, and also this movie is going to be in 3D. If i don't see the movie in theaters next year then I would probably buy the movie or rent it so I could see it, but still if I see the movie in theaters I would still buy the movie probably.

Click here to see Movie Trailer

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Machinima Quote of the Week-AGX

Ok, Short week, fun quote,

"Meme stay out of this!"
"Oh, like you couldn't stay out of her!"
"What? Are you still hung up on that? It was just a physical!"
"So it was all routine? That was just standard equipment?"
"Do you even know what a colonoscopy is woman?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Machinima Quote of the week-AGX

"Who was using the repair bay last?"
"That would be Triple M working on, "secret projects."
"Do you think He's up to something?"
"Does this job suck?"

(Turns on comm)
"You might want to be... prepared."

Friday, November 12, 2010

Machinima Quote of the week-AGX

Yes it's back, and dumber than ever.

"I was just admiring his uhh... his alien muscle structure"
"Ya one particular muscle."
"Well thats just a matter of (the alien is male you can fill in the blank), I mean uhh..."

"You told me it was a third arm..."

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

ipod touch 4th generation-M&M

The new iPod touch has face time just like the iphone ios4 and it's gotten a lot thinner. I was in the apple store one day checking out the iPod 4th generation and I could not believe how thin and light this was. The screen is crystal clear. The interface looks nicer and is easier to read and go through. One of the newest features is a speaker that is located at the bottom by the charging port. The new iPod touch also has a hd video camera with recording device. The volume buttons are now two separate buttons. The new iPod touch now has a gyro sensor just like the iphone 4. The new iPod touch is a recommended favorite from cnet.com(famous review site). When you first open up the new iPod touches box you see the same things from the original iPod touches. The box contains the same headphones, the tips for using it, and also two apple stickers. The iPod touch has the same redna display from the iphone 4. The face time for the iPod touch is over wifi by entering the persons email that you are trying to contact instead of entering the number. The processing for the iPod touch is just about the same as the iphone 4. The iPod touch is available in 8GB, 32 GB, and the 64GB. with the new design of the touch. The touch is a lot more comfortable in the hand.   The price ranges from $199 to $399.

Playstation That's also a Phone...- EZ ()

With I-phones slaughtering the Play Station Portables on the gaming market, Sony is rumored to meet Apple head on head in the phone market with a new product. The photo leaked (above from engadget), will be a hybrid between the popular Sony Ericsson with the PSP. The blog says that the device will be running a Google version of Android 3.0 with a special built in Sony Marketplace (to download games, movies, music, and apps). Masaru Kato, the Sony C.E.O, hinted something about it over an earning call. Sony refused to give more information on the matter. We should see that PSP is licensing to Sony Ericsson anytime now. It is a mystery who Sony is going to use as the carrier for their new devices yet to come. According to Nikkei, a trusted Japanese new source, Sony is indeed planning something with the PSP and Ericsson. There also have been rumors that Sony has set up a team to work on it. Rumors of this so called PSP phone first started in 2007. Then in 2009 it resurfaced. Now in 2010 it has resurfaced once again. Engadget, a gadget predicting site, said that there is potential that it’ll be around next year.  The exact date is unknown, since companies tend to like keeping secrets. It could be as early as November.  There is a high possibility it’ll come out around December, in order tap into the season shopping. There's rumors that it'll look similar to the PSP Go. The reception of this device is unknown since the PSP Go was expensive and misleading in terms of functions. But, it is believed that with the right price, this could be revolutionary. Perhaps this is the future of portable gaming consoles and phones? Guess I'll have to wait a bit longer. 

For more info go to :

God of War Ghost of Sparta RR

There's a new game that is called God of War Ghost of Sparta and it is pretty good, and it's like mostly about myths and god's. The main character in this videogame is Kratus, the story is like about his going in a journey to rid himself of nightmares that haunt him and he would like go in a journey that will reveal the origins of the lost world's. The game is like available for psp and its kind of good the graphics of game and it is kind of interesting, the game costs like almost in all stores 40$, and its like sold in stores like Walmart, and Target, and gamestop. The game now is now in stores, and it is kind of exciting to buy it if your a fan of god of war, the game is sold individually or in a deal with it in a  package with a  new psp 3000 system red/black,Downloadable Game PSN Voucher: God of War®: Chains of Olympus ,2GB Memory Stick PRODuo ,Downloadable Movie PSN Voucher (Kick Ass - UMD Movie) ,AC Power Cord ,AC Adaptor. The game its only available also in Playstation and not in Microsoft so that's one not good thing, but still its kind of a good game and if you like fighting monsters or fighting gods or like fighting games or violent games then this game is a good game for you.

You could buy game here:

Monday, November 1, 2010

California Says Video Games are on the Same Level as Porn?-AGX

 According to a new law in California video games are now Pornography. If your saying "What?" let me explain. A new California law prohibits minors from purchasing M rated games until they are eighteen because they are too violent and immitatable. Seriously? I doubt that an eight year old is going to go and pick up a hooker and go around with a shotgun, just because he saw it in Grand Theft Auto 4. Anyway back to the reason I said that video games are porn. Currently no other piece of media prohibits the sale to minors, like explicit music or R rated movies except for pornography.
Luckily the Entertainment Software Association is coming to our rescue. The ESA has appealed this law and won twice with the argument that the first amendment of freedom of speech protects video games by basically saying that the video games you play are your way of expressing yourself. I completely agree with this. While some people like games such as God of War or Gears of War might be a little more bloodthirsty than the people who play Halo or Call of Duty. Both of these are violent, but I don't see people in Halo ripping apart people with chainsaws attached to an assault rifle. Over all everyone is expecting that the Supreme Court will overturn this law and leave us free to play. Unless your paying for a subscription